Crisis in Texas – Is Reverse Osmosis Water as Good as a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 3, 2017 7:00 am

Our thoughts are with all of those affected by Hurricane Harvey, and it’s wonderful to see the heroic relief efforts of individuals and the large-scale aid that has been arriving since the Tropical storm hit.  

Crisis is often followed by kindness.
Helping Those in Need

Among the companies delivering assistance – in this case 1 million bottles of water – is Nestlé, in an act of charity that will help to repair its image after recent negative publicity.  

Big Companies With Big Hearts

There was also a big-hearted offer from Blackwater Draw Brewing Company, promising that affected residents could collect as much water as they needed.  But this isn’t regular water – it’s reverse osmosis water, used in the brewing

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Can Water Ionizers Halt the Aging Process?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 11, 2017 12:00 pm

Want to turn back time?  Walk with dinosaurs?  Swap make-up tips with Cleopatra?  Or just want to get some of that youthful glow back to your skin?  We can’t help with the first two, but a water ionizer can definitely help you get your sparkle back!

To be fair, sometimes it’s too late to halt the aging process.
What’s in the Water?

A Tyent water ionizer gives you fresh, filtered ionized water at the push of a button.  But it also gives you much more, including:

  • Fast hydration. Tyent Water hydrates you faster than regular water and keeps your body hydrated for longer. 
  • We need minerals to keep our bodies healthy.  If you drink distilled or reverse osmosis water,
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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 4: Water Ionizer vs. Reverse Osmosis System

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 24, 2016 12:00 pm

We really hope that you’re all enjoying our “How Does an Ionizer Compare to…” series as much as we’re loving putting it together!  We try to be as big on information as we are broad, so hopefully you feel as though you’re getting a clear picture and enough pointers to make an informed decision.

With that in mind, we’re going to take a look at a well-known alternative to a water ionizer – a reverse osmosis system.

We give you the facts. You make the decision.
We give you the facts. You make the decision.

How Great is Reverse Osmosis Water?

Regular readers will know that we’ve talked about RO water before.  As then, we feel the need to acknowledge its immense value in challenging environments: …

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101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 10: Tyent Alkaline Water Top Health Benefits At A Glance

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 19, 2016 7:00 am

Here’s an overview of the health benefits of Tyent water.

Tyent Water | A Brief Guide on the Benefits of Alkaline Water to Health and Fitness


94. Tyent Water Detoxifies

Friends celebrating | Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 10: Tyent Alkaline Water Top Health Benefits At A Glance
We at Tyent USA love “at a glance” list, and what better way to tell you the long list of benefits of Tyent water than by doing that?

Get ready for the countdown because we’re about to tell you amazing alkaline water benefits. First up: detoxification.

Do you know your body is an amazing sewage system? Yes, it can get rid of wastes in many different ways:

  • When you sweat, you can remove the excess salts and water in the body. You may also eliminate certain impurities.
  • Your kidneys
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Tyent USA and a Body of Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 12, 2014 4:51 am


                                                  Water at Work in the Body



Water man-with-huge-wrench    Water, the essential ingredient for life on planet Earth.  At its core, water is a molecule comprised of two atoms, one oxygen and two-hydrogen.  If you want to know what the structure looks like, imagine a Mickey Mouse face of three round circles with the hydrogen atoms being the ears.



Opposites Attract

With a positive charge at the top (the ears) and a negative charge at the bottom (the face) of the molecule, the law of attraction is in full sway.  It is miraculous what the bonding of those three atoms produces.  There is no other substance on earth that in its natural state is liquid (water), solid (ice), and a gas

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