Is Kangen Water the Only True Ionized Alkaline Water?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 8, 2017 12:00 pm

Well, is it?  Of course not!  That’s a little like asking if Chanel No. 5 is the only perfume. One of the first fragrances to gain international recognition and celebrity endorsement (Marilyn Monroe was a fan) — even the iconic No. 5 cannot claim to be the only true perfume out there.  By the same token, Kangen Water is not the only ionized alkaline water!

The original is not always the best.
A Brief History of Water Ionizers

Originating from Japan, Kangen ionizers were among the first domestic water ionizers to become widely available.  Back then, there was little to no competition in the field.  Now?  It’s a very different story.

Who’s the Best Right Now?

Tyent has won …

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The True Price of a Water Ionizer

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 18, 2017 7:00 am

The phrase “you get what you pay for” is never truer than when applied to water ionizers.  Search the internet and you’ll find that it’s possible to buy water ionizers pretty cheaply. Too cheaply, in many cases.

What’s your health worth to you?
The Danger of Water Ionizers From China

Okay, the machine’s from China, but it has a certified “lead-free” sticker right there.  You’re thinking it must be okay, right?  Sorry, but no.  To help grease the movement of cheap, potentially dangerous machines to the rest of the world, a thriving counterfeit “lead free” certification trade has sprung up to counter the entirely reasonable concern that many goods exported from China contain lead.

Tyent Wins Water Ionizer
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Alert! Water Ionizer Repair Costs

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 11, 2017 7:00 am

There’s an old gag about someone who was proud that they’d owned the same cheap yard brush for 20 years.  During those two long decades of brushing, scrubbing and sweeping, the brush had only needed three new handles and 8 new brush heads.  In other words, that cheap yard brush had probably ended up costing far more than a better quality brush that was rejected for being too expensive!

water ionizer repair
Buying too cheaply might just cost you more in the long run.

Bargain or Botch Job?

The same rationale applies to buying an ionizer.  Buy too cheaply and be prepared to have your “bargain” repaired when it breaks down or its performance falters after only 6 months use.

And it’s not …

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The Best Water Ionizer in the World!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 19, 2017 12:00 pm

“We’re the best!”

“No, we’re the best!”

“No, it’s us!  We’re the best!”

Everyone says it.  The cold, hard truth is that many companies tell you that their service or product is the best without anything to back it up.  It’s easy to say but much harder to prove.

Hands up if you think you’re the best.

But we’re going to start by saying that quite simply, Tyent ionizers are the best that your money can buy.  But don’t take our word for it; we’re going to explain exactly why we can lay claim to being the best.

  1. What Do Medical Experts Say?

Very good things, as it happens.  In fact some doctors go further:

“The Tyent machine performs far

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Where Can I Buy a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 29, 2016 12:00 pm

So, you’ve researched, checked and deliberated, and you’ve arrived at the all-important decision to purchase a water ionizer!  So now you can move on to the exciting part – which ionizer are you going to buy and where are you planning to buy it from?

Couple husband and wife writing typing on new modern laptop computer device blogging sharing chatting
“I know it’s not just about looks, darling, but this one would look so amazing in the kitchen.”

Under or Above Counter?

Firstly, you need to decide whereabouts your ionizer is actually going to be fitted.  If you opt for an above-counter model, then one thing is pretty obvious: it’s got to look good.  This is a great example of how sleek and stylish a counter-top ionizer can look. If you have space on …

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Who Makes the Best Water Ionizer?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 27, 2016 7:00 am

It’s one thing to say that you’re the best. It’s quite another thing proving it.  Take restaurant food.  How many establishments where you live offer “the best pancakes” or the “the best coffee” in town?  Quite a few, probably.  Added to that is the fact that “best” is pretty subjective, so who or what is the best at anything, and who gets to decide anyway?

Anyone can say that they’re the best…
Anyone can say that they’re the best…

When it comes to buying an ionizer, it’s not so different.  Many companies will try to tell you that their ionizers are the best.  Unlike coffee and pancakes though, at least with ionizers you can see the facts on how they compare, and also check out recognized …

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