Well, is it? Of course not! That’s a little like asking if Chanel No. 5 is the only perfume. One of the first fragrances to gain international recognition and celebrity endorsement (Marilyn Monroe was a fan) — even the iconic No. 5 cannot claim to be the only true perfume out there. By the same token, Kangen Water is not the only ionized alkaline water!

A Brief History of Water Ionizers
Originating from Japan, Kangen ionizers were among the first domestic water ionizers to become widely available. Back then, there was little to no competition in the field. Now? It’s a very different story.
Who’s the Best Right Now?
Tyent has won the coveted Water Ionizer of the Year 2017 an unprecedented eight times since 2009, firmly placing our water ionizers ahead of any of our competitors.
A commitment to innovation and world-class engineering means that Tyent Water ionizers are recognized as the best in the world. And our commitment doesn’t stop there. All of our water ionizers come with a no-quibble Lifetime Guarantee – something that our competitors can’t match. Only a company with absolute faith in the quality of their products can offer a warranty that lasts a lifetime.
Customer Care
We care about our customers. Easy to say, but we can prove it! Our A+ rating and accreditation from the Better Business Bureau is something we’re proud of. What’s more, our customer service doesn’t end at the transaction! We’re always here to answer your questions and help with advice about how Tyent Water can transform your health and life.
Celebrity Endorsed Tyent Water
Tyent Water is endorsed by celebrities and pro-sportspeople, who credit the hydrogen-rich water with improving their performance, increasing energy levels and reducing recovery time.
“Tyent Water not only keeps me superiorly hydrated, but it also helps me recover better and feel outstanding day in and day out!”
~ Joe Beimel, Pitcher, Seattle Mariners
Find Out More!
Want to learn more? Click for our fantastic Cheat Sheet and start finding out just how much Tyent Water can do for you!