5 Tips for Working Moms

Being a mom means juggling countless chores, tasks, duties and commitments. Being a working mom adds a whole new layer of them, until you’ve lost count of the number of balls you’re trying to keep in the air.

To help ease the load, we’ve identified 5 ways to help you stay on top, meet your goals and even find some time for yourself.


5 Tips for Working Moms


1. Ugh, why bother? You know you can do it all yourself quicker and to the high standard you want, so it’s easier to simply get on with it, right? Stop that thought right there. Sharing chores is important. Kids need to know how to make beds, fix healthy snacks and sort out a load of laundry.

Decide with your significant other where your skill sets lie. If one of you loves cooking, grab an apron and chef’s knife, plan the week’s meals and organize the food shopping. Which one of you prefers to keep the garden in good shape? That means keeping borders organized, mowing the lawn and staying on top of the weeds!

For all the other stuff, make sure that you’re both clear what needs to be done, and that everyone has a duty to pitch in.


2. The mental load. Women often carry the mental load of the hundreds of tiny bits of information that need to be remembered, processed or acted upon. Birthdays. Insurance renewal. Work deadlines. Ordering online shopping. Knowing that the kids have outgrown their tennis shoes. Checking on the elderly neighbor you didn’t see this week. Get that stuff out of your head and onto a whiteboard where everyone can see it. Apart from anything else, if it’s written down, you’re less likely to forget about it.


3. Get enough sleep. Sleep is your secret weapon to achieving everything you need to. A healthy, consistent sleep routine restores you, helps you to think more clearly and feel calmer and in control. Try using a tracker to monitor your sleeping hours and ensure that you’re getting enough nourishing deep sleep.


4. Find time to exercise. When you’re busy from morning to night, the last thing you feel like doing is more. However, ringfencing some time during the week when you take physical exercise pays dividends in so many ways. Physical exertion can help you to feel more positive and energized. It will also help you to sleep better.

It sounds obvious, but choose a form of exercise that you love to do and that you can commit to. If time is too short between commuting, the kids and everything else, then buy some running shoes and follow one of the many training apps to help you build up distance and speed right from your front door. Or how about killing two birds with one stone and joining a team sport that means you can socialize and stay fit at the same time?


5. Eat well and stay hydrated. When you’re juggling work and family life, it’s easy to cut corners with your own nutrition. Just like sleep, eating and drinking the right amount of good things is a cornerstone of wellbeing. Cut right down on sugar – the false high it briefly gives you isn’t worth the slump that follows. Base your meals around whole grains, whole foods, pulses, lean meat, fish and fresh vegetables. Meal plan and make extra to eat for lunch the next day.

Hydration is essential: not drinking enough water will quickly leave you feeling sluggish or worse. Your concentration will be affected, and your energy levels will plummet. Installing a water ionizer at home is fast becoming the go-to solution for thousands of working moms. Why?

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  • Every delicious glass contains thousands of bubbles of natural molecular hydrogen
  • Increase your energy and stay hydrated for longer than with regular water
  • Alkaline hydrogen water helps to boost your immune system naturally
  • Sip throughout your working day to give yourself the edge you need to succeed


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Posted by TyentUSA on Friday, March 12, 2021

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