It’s possible to reduce your risk of cancer by avoiding known carcinogens and taking preventative steps to protect yourself and the ones you love.
1. Don’t smoke or use chewing tobacco. Smoking is linked to several deadly cancers, including:
- Lungs
- Mouth
- Bladder
- Kidneys
- Cervix
2. Eat well. You already know that you need to be eating fresh fruit and vegetables every day, but make sure that you also include whole foods, grains, olive oil, nuts and seeds. Cut right down on red meat, refined, processed foods and anything with added sugar.
Another tip – use Turbo Water from your Tyent water ionizer to remove herbicides and pesticides that tap water doesn’t shift.
“At least 40 known carcinogens are found in pesticides and we should absolutely try to reduce exposure.”
Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, associate director for cancer prevention, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa
3. Taking regular exercise can help to cut your cancer risk. Experts believe that maintaining a healthy weight and undertaking physical activity a few times per week can reduce the risk of several types of cancer, including cutting the risk of breast cancer by 18%.
4. In hot weather, adopt the popular Australian mantra of Slip, Slop, Slap. In other words, to cut your risk of skin cancer, slip on a shirt, slop on some SPF and slap on a hat. It’s sound advice.
5. Hydrate every day and drink clean, safe water. America’s water infrastructure in crisis and millions of Americans in towns and cities drink water containing known carcinogens. If you install a water ionizer at home, you know that the water you drink is free from deadly contaminants. Tyent Ultra Filters have a 0.01-micron filtration level, equivalent to a kidney dialysis machine. Along with our pre-filters, they remove up to 99% of:
- Lead
- Mercury
- Pharmaceuticals
- Beryllium
- Uranium
- Chromium 6
- Fluoride
Take Good Care of You
Taking care of your health is something that you can always feel good about. Knowing that you’re taking steps to reduce your risk of cancer is a really positive thing.
Want to learn more? We have a team of friendly water ionizer experts standing by to chat with you. Ask about our incredible water ionizer deals and wallet-friendly financing terms with payments starting from only $25 per month!