Ring in the New Year with a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 1, 2019 9:02 am

Did you host an NYE party, or did you go to one to ring in the New Year?

Ringing in the New Year can be a blast – but the day after can hurt if you throw all caution to the wind!

water ionizer
Did you party for NYE? The morning after doesn’t have to hurt. Just use a water ionizer!

Luckily, we’ve got some amazing tips to help you reset and recover the next morning so that your New Year’s Day can feel bright and beautiful!

1) Pre-Hydration and Antioxidants

Make sure that in the days leading up to the big night, you drink plenty of water.

But it’s not just water you need. If you’re planning on enjoying a few …

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Don’t Make Any New Year Resolutions Until You Read This!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 30, 2018 10:35 am

Many people are prompted into making New Year resolutions by one of the time-honored methods: a sense of failure about some aspect of their life, standing on the weighing scales, or while having a hard time trying to fasten a favorite pair of jeans (terrible for shrinking in the wash. Ahem.)

new year resolutions
One of your new year resolutions should include drinking alkaline water from a Tyent water ionizer.

Can New Year Resolutions Forged in Negativity Ever Be Positive?

It’s all a bit negative, isn’t it?

Maybe that’s why so many resolutions are doomed to die a quiet death – any resolutions that are forged in negativity are harder to keep alive.

So how about getting into a more holistic, …

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Look Five Years Younger in 2019! How a Water Ionizer Can Help You Glow!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 27, 2018 9:05 am

We drink water to stay hydrated and keep our bodies functioning at healthy levels. But drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water from a water ionizer can have an incredible effect on the way you look too!

water ionizer
Can a water ionizer help YOU look five years younger?

New Year, New You?

Every New Year – we tend to focus our minds on self-improvement and what it will take to look and feel our best.

It’s the perfect time to sit back and think about how drinking alkaline hydrogen water from a water ionizer machine can keep you looking radiant and more youthful.

Wait…seriously? Water can make you look younger?

Not all water can, but ionized alkaline water is different!

One of the main …

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