Kangen Water Review: Does It Even Work?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On August 9, 2024 2:31 pm

Like you, I wanted to buy a water ionizer machine. I did my research (but not enough by half) and decided to buy a Kangen machine from Enagic. After all, the company had been around for a while, which had to count for something, right? 

The truth is, Enagic operates as a multi-level marketing (MLM) company, which often results in significant pressure to purchase their products, especially when the distributor is a close friend or family member. MLM companies typically rely on a network of distributors who earn commissions not only from their own sales but also from the sales made by their recruits. This structure can create high-pressure sales tactics and a focus on recruitment over product

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Is Kangen the Best? Find Out Now! – Updated

Posted by: Rhona Reid On July 23, 2021 12:00 pm

Kangen or Tyent?  A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, right? In fact, some of mankind’s greatest achievements have come about as a result of competition and the desire to be the best.


Is Kangen the Best Find Out Now


So which water ionizer is best? Kangen or Tyent? Let’s find out!

Solid/Mesh Hybrid Plates
More Watts = More Power = Better Electrolysis
Filtration and Adjustability
Lifetime Warranty
Price Tag
Chemicals in Kangen Water?
Kangen on Trial!

Solid/Mesh Hybrid Plates

Tyent engineers wanted to design the perfect plate: one that was both durable and maximized ionization potential. The result? Tyent’s Solid/Mesh Hybrid Plate. Each titanium plate is dipped in platinum multiple times for strength, and features strengthened mesh surfaces to increase the rate of ionization.…

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The Carcinogenic Substance Inside Kangen Enagic Water Ionizers

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 14, 2021 12:00 pm

There’s a problem with Kangen water ionizers, and Enagic – the company behind the products – is seemingly burying its head in the sand.

To give some context, many people buy a water ionizer to remove deadly contaminants from their tap water. Tyent filters remove and reduce a host of toxic elements, including notorious carcinogens such as Chromium-6.

So, what if you bought a Kangen water ionizer, only to later discover that not only does it provide scant information about the contaminants that its filters actually remove, but that a potentially carcinogenic substance is known to exist at the heart of the Kangen water ionizer itself?

It’s hard to comprehend, but true.


The Carcinogenic Substance Inside Kangen Enagic Water Ionizers


Fancy Some Bleach with Your

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Alkaline Water Ionizer Comparison – UPDATED

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 22, 2021 12:00 pm

Buying a water ionizer for your home? Then you need to make sure that you’re buying the best. We’ll cut to the chase here: the best water ionizers in the world are Tyent Water Ionizers.


Alkaline Water Ionizer Comparison


The reason for this is simple: every Tyent Water Ionizer is built from the ground up to be that way. And it’s not just us who thinks so.

In fact, from the medical establishment to A-list sports stars, people can’t stop singing the praises of Tyent alkaline water. Just look at what Pittsburgh Pirates Catcher Michael McKenry told us about his search for an alkaline water ionizer

“It was very easy to find who was at the top. That

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10 Things Wrong With Kangen/Enagic

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 6, 2020 12:00 pm

Enagic is the company behind Kangen water ionizers, a recognizable name in the industry and one of the first companies to bring water ionizer machines to a wider audience. But do Kangen machines still have what it takes to compete with today’s ultra-advanced water ionizers?

The short answer is no, they don’t. Enagic might have the historic industry credentials, but there is a list of issues with several aspects of the company and its products that means its customers are being served up a raw deal.


10 Things WRONG With Kangen Enagic


Judge for yourself:

1. Chemicals With Your Water? The Enagic Electrolysis Enhancer that helps to conjure Kangen’s ‘Strong acidic water’ contains Sodium hypochlorite, also known as bleach. The trace amounts of …

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5 Reasons Why Buying a Chemical-Free Ionizer Matters

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 21, 2020 12:00 pm

Not all water ionizers are chemical-free. In fact, some depend on chemicals in order to function.


5 Reasons Why Buying a Chemical Free Ionizer Matters


Why should you avoid chemical water ionizers and install a water ionizer machine that’s chemical-free? Let’s look at the issues here:



1. Water ionizers are designed to filter out undesirable contaminants – including drug …

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21 Reasons Why Tyent is Better Than Enagic

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 17, 2020 12:00 pm

Tyent and Enagic are two of the most established water ionizer brands in the industry. But even in a two-horse race, there has to be a winner.

When it comes to water ionizers, Tyent is the brand to beat. We are proud of our position at the apex of the industry. But what are the key differences between a Tyent water ionizer and an Enagic machine?

Buying a water ionizer means that you need the facts at your fingertips, so we’ve listed the 21 Reasons why Tyent is better than Enagic!


21 Ways Tyent Water Ionizers are better than Enagic 1


1. Style Trial: Your water ionizer is going to be in your kitchen for a long time, so you’ve got to like the way it looks. Tyent’s …

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Water Technology – Do Cacti Have the Answers?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 22, 2018 11:27 am

What’s the newest advancements in water technology? Can we talk about cacti for a moment?  Those iconic, prickly stalwarts of countless movies and cartoons depicting dry, airless deserts are amazing things and we don’t use the word lightly.  Like any other living thing, cacti need water to live.  As they usually live in parched, arid conditions, cacti have developed incredible systems in order to survive.

Water technology advancements
Who’s a clever cacti?

Water Carefully…

Those prickles are actually leaves, modified to prevent roaming animals from eating the plant, but also to conserve water.  Their roots are shallow but spread widely, in order to grab as much rainfall as they can, given the opportunity.  Some varieties of cacti can soak up 200 gallons of …

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Water Science: Splitting Up Molecules

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 20, 2018 10:42 pm

Water science is more advanced than ever before. You might have noticed in the news that scientists have made a breakthrough in identifying a way to separate the two types of water molecule for the first time.  

Water science and water ionizers
Water science goes on and on…

Remember This From School?

Two types of a water molecule?  Yes!  To briefly revisit our high school chemistry notebooks on water science, water is comprised of two hydrogen atoms and a single, lone oxygen atom, forming a kind of V-shape.

Maybe Not This…

Every single water molecule on the planet is either a para-water molecule or an ortho-water molecule.  To distill vast amounts of complex particle physics into the briefest of summaries, the difference is that the …

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Water Ionizers for Kids? 50% of Kids Are Dehydrated!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On June 8, 2018 9:53 pm

Water ionizers are something that we think of for adults, but can water ionizers make an impact on your kids’ overall health?

Summer is now close enough to touch.  The air already carries the scent of sunscreen and kicked-off flip flops.  Soon it will be thick with the tang of dropped ice cream on hot pavements and barbecue scents wafting through the air from your neighbor’s yard.    

Water Ionizers to the Rescue!
Kids, water ionizers and summer…it’s thirsty work!

Water Ionizers to Help Kids Hydrate


We all need to drink more in hot weather.  But kids, racing around with their friends, cycling, climbing and playing in the sun, often aren’t clued up enough about their hydration needs.

Kids are smaller and usually more active …

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