Top 9 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting [INFOGRAPHIC]

So many people are choosing to control their weight with Intermittent Fasting. It’s popular and can be easily fitted into most lifestyles, but how much do you really know about Intermittent Fasting?


Intermittent Fasting Infographic

What is Intermittent Fasting?
What can I eat on an Intermittent Fasting diet?
How many calories can I have per day on an Intermittent Fasting diet?
What do doctors and experts say about Intermittent Fasting?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on an Intermittent Fasting diet?
What role does Alkaline Water play in an Intermittent Fasting diet?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a repeated pattern of eating and fasting cycles. It switches the focus from what you eat, to when you eat it. There are various plans to try: the 5:2 (five ‘normal’ eating days and two fast days each week) is one of the most widely practiced. There’s also the 16:8 diet, where you eat whatever you like for 8 hours, then fast for the remaining 16.

The reported benefits of Intermittent Fasting can be pretty impressive:

  • Better mental focus
  • Fights inflammation
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  • Good for digestion
  • Boosts the immune system

What can I eat on an Intermittent Fasting diet?

How much you eat when Intermittent Fasting depends on how much weight you want to lose, and how quickly. Some people argue that you can enjoy more or less anything you like on ‘eating’ days. However, common sense tells us that the more healthily you eat, the quicker you’ll see results.

How many calories can I have per day on an Intermittent Fasting diet?

You only need to count calories on the two fasting days of the 5:2 diet. You’re only ‘allowed’ 500 calories on both days. On non-fast days, you don’t need to monitor your calorie intake.

What do doctors and experts say about Intermittent Fasting?

If you’re thinking of following an Intermittent Fasting plan, then seek your doctor’s advice first. Although generally safe and effective, the diet isn’t recommended for anyone with diabetes or those taking certain medications.

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What type of beverage is best to drink on an Intermittent Fasting diet?

You are free to drink water, tea and coffee during an Intermittent Fast, but try to avoid soda – even the sugar-free type.

Water is the best drink to enjoy during your diet. You should aim to drink around 4 liters of water per day. Water helps to flush out toxins and can make you feel fuller, and therefore less likely to snack or overeat.

What role does Alkaline Water play in an Intermittent Fasting diet?

Alkaline hydrogen water from a water ionizer is the ideal drink to enjoy during an Intermittent Fast. It’s packed with natural antioxidants and minerals, which help to support good health during your new eating regime.

Another big benefit to drinking ionized water is the energy boost you get from the microscopic hydrogen molecules it contains, which penetrate and energize your cells from within. With that extra energy, you’ll feel like exercising more – and for longer – which will help you to see results even faster!

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2 thoughts on “Top 9 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting [INFOGRAPHIC]

    1. Hi, Wesley. Good luck, and let us know if you have good results with intermittent fasting! If you want to explore a more rigid diet combo, we suggest you look into the Fasting/Keto Combo Diet. Of course, we recommend consulting your doctor first and seeing if you have any conditions that prevent you from trying either or both lifestyles.

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