The Paleo Diet and Alkaline Water

Also known as the Caveman Diet, the Hunter-Gatherer Diet or the Stone Age Diet, the Paleo Diet deserves kudos for taking its inspiration from the furthest possible point in human history. But what is it and does it work? Should we really try to imitate our ancestors or leave ancient nutrition firmly in the past?  And what role does alkaline water play in the Paleo Diet?



What is a Paleo diet?
What can I eat on a Paleo diet?
How many carbs or calories can I have per day on a Paleo diet?
What do doctors and experts say about a Paleo diet?
What type of water or beverages are best to drink on a Paleo diet?
What role does Alkaline Water play in a Paleo diet?


What is a Paleo diet?

It’s all about eating naturally. No processed rubbish. No dodgy harmful trans-fats and refined sugars. If ancient man could eat it, after a hard day’s hunting and gathering, so can you.

But therein lies a major flaw with Paleo, according to its critics. We don’t live like Stone Age man. We don’t hunt and gather. Our lives would be unrecognizable to our ancestors, so why would their grass-fed-meat-rich diet suit us?

What can I eat on a Paleo diet?

‘Pure’ Paleo fans opt for free-range meat, fish, vegetables and some fruits, including berries. Seeds and nuts also get a green light.

The rules can be relaxed a little, according to other Paleo devotees. Some eat dairy products and potatoes, although these foods would not have been available to anyone in the Stone Age.

How many carbs or calories can I have per day on a Paleo diet?

Relax, neither are counted on this diet. As the eating plan is largely centered around lean protein and plants, and there are few carbohydrates, anyone following a Paleo Diet should lose weight without totting up the carbs or calories.



What do doctors and experts say about a Paleo diet?

If you stick with lean meat and eat lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seed, a Paleo Diet is a healthy and balanced one in the short to medium term. However, avoiding whole grains, beans and legumes for any significant length of time might raise a red flag for many health practitioners.

Also, some followers take the diet as a green light to eat burgers and other processed meats, which can be high in saturated fat and nitrates. Doctors also warn of potential nutritional deficiencies – particularly calcium and vitamin D.

What type of water or beverages are best to drink on a Paleo diet?

Favorite Paleo Diet drinks include plenty of water, herbal tea, bone broth (yep, more meat) and black coffee. Alcohol is usually avoided, although dry wine – both red and white – are considered to be the nearest thing to a Paleo-friendly boozy beverage.


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What role does Alkaline Water play in a Paleo diet?

Both fresh and processed meat is acidic, so a strict Paleo Diet means a fairly acid-rich one. When you’re following a meat-based Paleo Diet, drinking alkaline water from a water ionizer can help to rebalance your body, neutralize some of that acid and maintain a healthy pH.

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