7 Changes to Make to Your Diet for a Less Hectic, Healthier Fall!


Fall is a great time to get to grips with healthy eating. As the weather becomes cooler, there’s the temptation for our food choices to lean towards a more soothing, comforting type of sustenance.

But, it’s possible to indulge and be healthful with a diet in the fall at the same time! You’re about to find out how…

What is Fall?
When Does Fall Start?
When Does Fall End?
How to Make Your Diet Healthier This Fall
Get a Water Ionizer to Enjoy a Happy, Healthier Fall!

Fall – the perfect time to make soup and drink alkaline water!

What is Fall?

Known as fall in North American English – Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons that we experience every year.

Autumn marks the transition from summer to winter when the duration of daylight becomes noticeably shorter and the temperature considerably cools.

This season is most famously loved for the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees, such as oak, maple, and elm.

Rhona Recommends | Great Summer Water Ionizer Tips to Take into Autumn!

When Does Fall Start?

September (in the Northern Hemisphere)

March (in the Southern Hemisphere)

When Does Fall End?

December (in the Northern Hemisphere)

May (in the Southern Hemisphere)

Rhona Recommends | Autumn “Spring Cleaning” Using a Water Ionizer!

How to Make Your Diet Healthier This Fall

Don’t forget to download, save, or share this handy infographic for reference:

fall infographic

Try these 7 tips for tweaking your diet for a healthier fall:

1) Make Some Homemade Soup

Everyone can make nourishing soup!

Fall and soup go together like milk and cookies, so explore some of the wonderful harvest offerings at the store or farmer’s market and find a recipe you love!

2) Pumpkin Joy!

We’re starting to see pumpkins and autumn squash everywhere now, so pick your favorite and try it roasted in cubes in a bitter-leaf salad; tossed with sage and parmesan for an easy pasta dish or pureed into a smooth soup.

Pumpkin is low in calories and packed with minerals and vitamins – so it’s a wonderfully healthy choice!

3) Add Some Alkalinity!

Switching to an alkaline diet can have a transformative effect on your health and well-being.

Cut out (or cut down on):

  • acidic meat
  • fatty or processed foods
  • refined sugars
  • alcohol

And replace with:

  • more alkaline fruit
  • vegetables
  • whole grains
  • nuts and seeds

Many people find that an alkaline diet increases their energy and helps them to control a healthy weight!

4) Keep on Snacking!

Hang on…isn’t snacking a bad thing?

Well, it depends on what you’re snacking on.

A constant supply of cookies or candy isn’t exactly a cornerstone of a healthy diet, but a handful of nuts or some dried apricots and a piece of cheese mid-afternoon is a different matter.

The odd well-chosen snack can help to support good health!

5) Bell Pepper Boost!

Now is the time to incorporate foods into your diet that boost your immune system to ward off pesky cold germs and the like.

Bell peppers, ginger root, spinach, raw garlic, and papaya all punch well above their weight when it comes to nutrients!

6) Alkaline Water and Water Ionizers

We’ve mentioned introducing a more alkaline diet for good health, but there’s another way to rebalance your body, which has many unexpected bonuses: alkaline water.

Drinking ionized alkaline water directly from a water ionizer is a fast way to get optimum hydration and a slew of health benefits.

7) Great Timing!

Why not reassess when you eat?

Sometimes, tweaking the timing of meals can result in more energy and better sleep.

Try eating an earlier breakfast to get your day off to a great start and make sure that you leave 3-4 hours of digestion time between your evening meal and going to bed.

Rhona Recommends | 7 Fall Cleaning Tips Using Your Tyent Water Ionizer

Get a Water Ionizer to Enjoy a Happy, Healthy Fall!

water ionizer

Check out our FREE Cheat Sheet for more water ionizer facts and don’t miss our incredible Semi-Annual Sale for some of the most jaw-dropping deals on our award-winning water ionizers!

Happy Fall Y’all! Have any neat diet tips or tricks that we didn’t mention? Please comment below and help a friend!

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