How Self Care Can Save the Environment

Self-care isn’t only good for you – it can save the environment too.

Our planet is in trouble, and we all need to make mindful decisions about how we live. Discovering how self-care can save the environment might be your most nourishing and enjoyable discovery yet!


How Self Care Can Save the Environment


Here are 7 ways to align your self-care with doing your bit for a healthy planet:


1. Walk and cycle more. Leave the car at home and walk to work, college or while running errands whenever possible. You can benefit from this time both physically and mentally – enjoy the time checking in with your thoughts, clear some precious headspace or listen to an uplifting podcast or music. And guess what? You’re reducing pollution (and saving money!) at the same time.

2. Be mindful about eating. Shop locally and seasonally. Eat more natural, unprocessed plant foods and pat yourself on the back for reducing your carbon footprint and eating for wellness at the same time.

3. Skincare is an enjoyable part of self-care – and your skincare routine can save the environment too! Stop buying expensive skin care products and switch to using a natural, nourishing cleansing bar, and use Tyent Beauty Water to tone and balance your skin. Your complexion – and the planet – need gentle care, not chemicals.

4. Gardening is a wonderful form of self-care. It helps us to slow right down, literally connect with the Earth, and something that will in turn, nurture your body or senses, or both. If you’ve never grown anything before, a packet of seeds, a pot of soil, and a sunny windowsill are all you need to start.

5. Up/Recycle instead of buying. When you think about how self-care can save the environment, one thing that comes to mind is how many things we manufacture in order to keep on buying and cluttering up the planet with stuff. Instead of buying, think about how you can recycle items around the home. Tin can garden? A basket woven from plastic bags? Upcycle clothes too – a pair of old jeans can make a fabulous pair of shorts, and there are endless ways to chop up a tee shirt to make something new!

6. Still with the subject of stuff, how about making some of it, instead of buying? Doing something creative, with your hands and imagination, is a powerful form of nurturing yourself. It’s calming, soothing and a brilliant example of how self-care can save the environment. Try vegetable dying an old tee shirt or sheet, to make fabric wrapping for gifting. Or how about woodland art?

7. Hydrating your body with Tyent alkaline water is a wonderful way to self-care every day. The nourishing effect of natural molecular hydrogen on your skin, hair and body is the perfect way to turn a necessity into an act of conscious self-care. And it’s self-care that can save the environment, too, with no more disposable plastic bottles to worry about.


Inspired? How do you combine your me-time with working towards a healthier planet? We’d love to hear your own tips on how your self-care is helping to save the environment!


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