How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be?

Molecular hydrogen water tastes fantastic, energizes you from within, and delivers a slew of benefits. But once you’ve filled your glass, how long do those hydrogen bubbles stick around for? Let’s find out!


How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be


Is Fresh Hydrogen Water Best?

How Do I Get Fresh Hydrogen Water?

How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be?

How Long Does Hydrogen Last in Water?

Does Hydrogen Water Go Bad?

Is Fresh Hydrogen Water Best?

It sure is. Alkaline water fresh from your Tyent water ionizer contains thousands of microscopic bubbles of pure molecular hydrogen. Those bubbles don’t disperse immediately, but nothing beats freshly ionized water positively brimming with the power of molecular hydrogen!

How Do I Get Fresh Hydrogen Water?

Not from a bottle on a supermarket shelf! Genuinely therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen can only be achieved by having access to a water ionizer, preferably at home, although it’s awesome to have one in the workplace and gym as well!

How Fresh Should Hydrogen Water Be?

Ideally, hydrogen water should be enjoyed within a few hours. If you fill a water bottle with freshly ionized water to take to work or college and sip throughout the day, you can still benefit from the bubbles of molecular hydrogen until you get home again.

How Long Does Hydrogen Last in Water?

Molecular hydrogen is quite fragile, and the powerful antioxidant benefits will begin to dissipate after around 8 hours. However, traces of molecular hydrogen will be detectible for up to 18-24 hours.

Retain the unique therapeutic properties for longer by keeping your flask or bottle sealed between each use, and out of direct sunlight.

Does Hydrogen Water Go Bad?

Hydrogen water doesn’t go bad or become unsafe to drink (assuming it is stored in a suitable, food-grade container), but the hydrogen content will steadily diminish.

Fresh Hydrogen Water For All the Family!

Nothing beats drinking alkaline, hydrogen-rich water straight from your very own water ionizer.

It’s so easy to install a water ionizer at home, and the benefits you can look forward to are amazing. Ready to find out more? Call our friendly team of experts at and ask about the astonishing deals we can offer right now!



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