In early February, the 18th annual Great American Water Taste Test took place at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

Over two days, water samples from around the country were blind-tasted by a panel of judges, tasked with finding a winner. What are they looking for? Taste, smell and clarity are the watchwords according to The National Rural Water Association, the main sponsor of the event.
Water Good Winner!
After some serious sipping, the gold medal was awarded to Arcadia Water Utility of Wisconsin, which beat off some stiff competition from the City of Salisbury, MD Paleo Water and the Southeast Water Users District, ND, which scooped the silver and bronze medals respectively.
The Great American Water Taste Test didn’t make the big nationwide headlines. However, it’s kind of heartening that in all of the bad news about America’s water, there’s a bit of the good stuff as well.
“You never hear anything positive about drinking water. We’re fortunate in Cheshire for what we have and shouldn’t take it for granted.”
~ Travis Delratez, Cheshire Water Department
Water Worries
We need more news like this. We need to expect more from our municipal water. We need to celebrate the fact that in amongst the bad decisions, deliberate cover-ups and downright incompetence, some people are trying to make America’s water something to enjoy, rather than worry about.
Infrastructure is a hot topic right now, as is the investment for it. There’s slender hope of seeing clean, contaminant-free water flowing into every American home, coast to coast, during our lifetime. Maybe our children will see it.
The Best Water Ionizer in the World
Winning prizes for water? Why not? We can throw our hat into that ring. After all, Tyent is proud to have scooped the Water Ionizer of the Year Award eight times since 2009.
This means a lot to us. Winning such a prestigious industry award means that we’re getting it right. The world-class engineering, the pioneering filtration systems, the second-to-none customer care; Tyent Water Ionizers deliver everything they promise.
Time For a Rethink?
For anyone living in one of the pockets of the country where clean, tasty water is valued and celebrated, you’re among the lucky ones. However, with at least half of all Americans exposed to radioactive tap water, chances are that you need to rethink your water needs.
A Tyent Ionizer gives you all the clean, safe, delicious water you and your family want at the push of a button. Our machines really are the best in the world, and just like the Arcadia Water Utility, we’ve got the awards to prove it!
Cheat Sheet!
Find out more about how Tyent Water can boost your immune system and fight free radicals as well as give you new levels of energy by reading our Cheat Sheet!