A beautifully made Swiss watch or a traditional grandfather clock looks elegant and impressive on the outside, but conceals the real magic on the inside. Unseen, those myriad working parts all function together to produce something rather special.

What’s Inside a Water Ionizer?
A Tyent water ionizer is a little like this. That sleek, chic casing looks amazing in even the most high-end kitchens but it’s not a case of looks over substance. Inside a Tyent water ionizer machine are some of the most perfectly designed and executed working parts in the world.
How Does a Water Ionizer Work?
Your Tyent water ionizer is connected to your main water supply, to enable water to flow directly into the ionizer unit to be filtered. We’re justifiably proud of our filters that all have the following features:
- Filtration. Our filters have the same filtration capabilities as kidney dialysis machines.
- Removing contaminants. Tyent filters remove over 200 contaminants from your source water.
- Lead removal. Essential with lead present in so many municipal water systems; our filters remove 99% of lead.
Plates that Pack a Punch!
Once the water is filtered, it flows over electrically charged plates contained in the electrolysis chamber. Our Solid/Mesh Hybrid plates are worth learning about. Tyent engineers and designers worked tirelessly to produce some of the best ionizer plates on the market, with features including:
- Titanium plates. Our plates are constructed from corrosion-resistant titanium for strength and resilience.
- Platinum plated. The titanium plates are dipped multiple times in platinum for incredible durability.
- Solid/Mesh Hybrid. This unique design produces a plate that is both powerful and strong.
The water is ionized from positive and negative electrical charges and is streamed into acidic and alkaline water.
Smartphone Style Keypad
It sounds like a lot goes on in there, doesn’t it? Well, it does, but grabbing a glass of Tyent water takes no longer than turning on a regular tap. Simply select the water you want from one of 99 pre-set programs on the smartphone-inspired control pad and enjoy!
Let’s Talk About Water Ionizers!
We hope we’ve demystified things a little, but we have a fabulous customer care team standing by with the answers to any other questions you have about water ionizers! Why not give them a call on today?
I have to know about the route of water flow in the tyent alkaline water ionizer machine….
Hi Hemang,
Thanks for your comment about Tyent water ionizers. The way that our water ionizer works is that it’s hooked to your tap, then the water is filtered with Tyent’s exclusive Ultra Filters that are specially made for Tyent water ionizers only. After the water is filtered, it goes through a unique electrolysis process, and with Tyent’s 11-plate water ionizers the flow rate is 40% faster than traditional water ionizers.