Do Men and Women Glow or Sweat? Can a Water Ionizer Hydrate You Faster?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 9, 2018 1:00 pm

Recently, we looked at what happens when we sweat and why ionized alkaline water from a water ionizer is SO awesome for replenishing our bodies when we do sweat.

But did you know that men and women sweat differently?

Do You Glow or Sweat? 

That post-workout glow, Victorian-style.

There’s an old saying that may or not have emanated from the rather buttoned-up sensibilities of Victorian England: ‘horses sweat, men perspire, but ladies merely glow.’

Over the years, this saying has been interpreted through the widespread perception that women are “delicate flowers” who don’t “sweat” like their male counterparts do.

But here’s the thing. Recent studies reveal that the Victorians might have been on to something.

Men Sweat More Than Women!

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Water Ionizers Will Keep You Cool – So Don’t Sweat It!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 4, 2018 6:44 pm

Who remembers that iconic line from the opening sequence of the popular ‘80s show “Fame”?

Every week, tough-but-big-hearted dance teacher Miss Grant yelled at her students that “fame costs…and right here is where you start paying. In sweat.”

alkaline water
Tyent alkaline water is always on point!

Sweating is Cool Because Science Says So!

When we exercise or do anything on a hot day, we sweat. We need to sweat because it’s good for us.

Here’s how the science of sweating works:

  • Between 2-4 million eccrine sweat glands cover our bodies, through which moisture is secreted to help cool us down and regulate our core body temperature.
  • When sweat glands leave your body, they evaporate from your skin and cool you
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