Why Is No-Poo a No-Go?  

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 3, 2018 12:00 pm

Now don’t get us wrong, we’re often in favor of ditching the chemicals and trying out a natural alternative.  Dropping the foaming agent SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and potentially dangerous parabens in regular shampoo might be worth a try, but what do you replace them with?  

Is your shampoo good for you?
Co-Wash For Curlies

Some people go down the co-washing route; skipping the shampoo altogether and washing their hair using conditioner.  It can have spectacular results on certain hair types (curlies blessed with coarse, thick hair often love it), but it’s definitely not for everyone.

Soda and Silicones

So how about washing your hair with baking soda?  It’s not exactly new…your grandmother might well have tried it!  The

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Five Tips to Become Employee of the Month With Help From Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 12, 2018 12:00 pm

Make your water ionizer work for you and become the new star of the office.

tyentTip #1: Look Like a Boss!
Whatever your usual work attire, the way you look can influence how people view you.  Drinking Tyent Water helps to improve the appearance of your skin, and using Turbo Water to rinse in the shower and after cleaning your teeth gives you ultra-shiny hair and a brilliant go-getting smile!

Tip #2: Intellectual Ability and Mental Agility!
Impress the boss with your quick fire ideas and mental prowess!  Tyent Water is jam-packed with amazing hydrogen that can actually help improve cognitive ability and brain function so you can wow your co-workers with your brilliant memory and sharp smarts!

Tip #3:

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Hair’s Some Good News About Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 3, 2018 7:00 am

Did you know that your hair is acidic?  True story. Whether it’s short, curly, bedhead or a glossy mane: hair has a pH range of around 4 – 5.  

Fed up of fighting your hair?
Natural Balance and Bad Hair Days

When a shampoo is advertised as being “pH balanced,” it means that it has a similar pH to your hair.  Great right? That means that you’re not throwing out the natural balance of your crowning glory with nasty ol’ chemical shampoos?

Maybe not, but what about your water?  Most tap water sits between a neutral pH of around 7 and a more alkaline 8.5.  Rinsing your hair with water that isn’t pH balanced – even if your shampoo is

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Twelve Days of a Tyent Christmas – Part Two!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 19, 2017 12:45 pm


We hope that you’ve been diligently practicing the first part of our very own Christmas Carol, The Twelve Days of a Tyent Christmas, just in time to impress friends and neighbors with your festive musical talents.

Without further ado, let’s enjoy the final part of our carol!

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me… a Useful Household Cleaner

Turbo water from your ionizer makes a fantastic, natural cleaning spray around the home.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me…an Effective Natural Mouthwash

 Acidic Turbo water makes a brilliant mouthwash that helps to keep bacteria at bay.

 On the Ninth Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me…a

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