Yesterday we looked at a few factors that should be considered before investing in any water ionizer.

There was the product itself, its quality and capability to do the job it was designed to do. Then there was the company behind the product and their reputation for standing behind what they sell, which leads us directly to the third consideration, customer service.
Customer service is often an overlooked, yet integral part, of a company’s inner workings. How many times have you experienced the frustration that comes when you contact a customer service representative only to get the run around?
One of my personal pet peeves is incompetence, which to me seems to be the rule and no longer the exception. Recently, I made an on-line purchase with assurances the item was everything it was advertised to be.
Furthermore, if there were any problems, I was told a customer service rep would be able to assist me in resolving those issues. Right. When my item arrived it was nothing like the description given on the website and was not at all what I had wanted. No worries, I thought. I’ll just call customer service about returning it.
Before they were through with me I could have joined the circus as an acrobat. I jumped through so many hoops my legs were sore. I could have grown a small tree during the time I was on hold. Most frustrating.

That was over a month ago, and when I phoned back yesterday to inquire about my refund, the process began all over again. Even more outrageous was the fact that with each new representative to whom I was passed along, I had to tell my story over again. Customer service is a big deal.
Tyent Customer Service
At The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company, when it comes to our customer service we take it to heart. When you strip away the hype and fancy words, customer service actually means integrity, and that means doing what you said you were going to do.
Integrity is paramount in conducting business in an honest way and Tyent is dripping with it.
Let’s hear from someone with firsthand knowledge of this. Please read what Bill Jeffrey of Evans, Georgia, had to say about his experience with Tyent Customer Service:
“We are certainly excited and grateful for beyond great service! A perfect example of the REAL values we grew up with and so need to teach even stronger to our youth!
We ARE “dazzled with magnificent customer service!”
We WERE “listened to and helped in every way possible” by you.
Yes, YOU DO, clearly “put your customer’s happiness first.”
Yes, YOU did go out of YOUR way to make US happy so WE can brag about YOU to OUR friends and family ;-)…and WE DO!
Yes, no doubt you have kept your “promise to stay dynamic in your industry to supply us with cutting- edge products”, and we are already thinking one day we will be able to upgrade to your “under-counter” unit!
We are grateful to Bill for his glowing endorsement of Tyent Customer Service and his willingness to share his experience. Bill is one of many who know that when it comes to customer service, Tyent not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.
Do have a customer service “horror story” of your own? Drop us a line so we can commiserate! We’ve all had those experiences with other companies, which is why Tyent places such a high priority on supreme customer satisfaction at every level.