I’ll be honest, I was trying to shoehorn this article into a musical pastiche of ‘On The First Day Of Christmas, My True Love Gave To Me…’ but could I get anything to rhyme with ‘Ionizer’?
And so, for your festive delectation, here is the non-musical, non-rhyming version, in no particular order.

1. On the first day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me… hydrogen rich alkaline water! Drinking alkaline water means that you’re drinking hydrogen rich water, with all the associated benefits…boosting your energy, fighting free radicals and possibly even improving cognitive function. Check out this link.
2. On the second day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…a faster way to hydrate! Alkaline water hydrates your body faster and more efficiently that regular water, all of which Dave Green, of Willow Bend Gymnasium explains pretty well here.
3. On the third day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…electrolytes in my water! Electrolytes in the form of magnesium are fantastic for muscle tone, regulating your heartbeat and boosting the immune system. Check this link for more on electrolytes!
4. On the fourth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…a greener way to drink! A Tyent ionizer means no more plastic bottles to add to the landfill. You fill your glass or water bottle, drink, reuse. Feel good that the water from your ionizer is the greenest option for the planet.
5. On the fifth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…sleek and shiny hair! I confess that I practically stuck this to my bathroom wall. I speak as someone with very frizzy curly curls; who has an entire bathroom cabinet stuffed with anything, anything that promises me frizz-reduction. Well, my curly-haired friends; this works. It actually works. Happy days.
6. On the sixth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…a fab and fresh way to clean your home! Alkaline water is fantastic for keeping your home gleaming. Check out these awesome tips for a non-toxic way to shine!
7. On the seventh day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…an easy and healthy way to lose weight! Drinking alkaline water means that that your body’s alkalinity is balanced, and you’ll be maintaining an optimum pH. This in turn means that your metabolism and digestion are firing on all cylinders, thus helping you to lose weight if that’s what you want to do. So no need to panic if you accidentally indulge over Christmas!
8. On the eighth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…The Fountain Of Youth! Okay, I exaggerate. But drinking alkaline water really does help with improving the effects of aging, by fighting oxidization at a cellular level. Fine lines and uneven skin tone can be diminished or kept at bay, by drinking hydrogen-packed alkaline water, and battling those pesky oxidants.
9. On the ninth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…no contaminants in my water! Out-dated infrastructure and methods of filtration mean that the water that flows from standard taps leaves a lot to be desired. Alkaline water contains none of the nasties you’ll find here, just great-tasting ionized water!
10. On the tenth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…a brighter smile! Drinking alkaline water is better for your teeth than regular water. Alkaline water helps to neutralize some of the acid produced by any plaque that your brushing might have missed, and therefore goes a long way to protecting your tooth enamel.
11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me…a body ready to protect itself! Alkaline water is full of immune-boosting antioxidants. Just as importantly, it helps support your body so that it is strong, resilient and more able to protect itself against the effects of mild or more serious illness.
12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Tyent Ionizer gave to me… all of the above for just 6 cents a glass! Really, just 6 cents per glass. Amazing, huh? I know it’s hard to put a price on health and wellbeing, but 6 cents is a bargain in anyone’s book.
Well look, I could go on and on about the advantages of alkaline water, but there are only 12 days of Christmas, and frankly, I would like to stop here and ask you to spare a thought for someone who isn’t so keen on Tyent Ionizers. I know. But it’s true. Spare a thought for poor old Santa Claus, who wishes that they didn’t deliver all of these fantastic benefits.
They are a nightmare to get down the chimney.