Tyent USA and the Importance of Water Conservation


                    Conservation, More Than Just a Catch Word


Hands with water drop

Conservation – the careful use of natural resources to prevent them from being lost or wasted.



Conservation is a word we read or hear about nearly everyday.  On the west coast of America, the word routinely appears in headlines where the land is scorched from the high heat and lack of rain that has persisted for years in that drought stricken area of the country.  The people there have little choice but to conserve water, if not voluntarily, then under penalty of law.  A $500 fine for watering the lawn should be enough to convince you it’s a serious situation.


From the algae blooms in Ohio, to the poisoned water in Virginia, water, or lack thereof, is in the news.  Moreover, the idea of preserving and conserving water is gaining traction.  It would seem to be human nature to wait until disaster strikes close to home before beginning to do what we should have been doing all along. 


Let’s not wait any longer to make some effort toward doing our part to conserve one of our most essential resources, water.  What can you do that will make a difference, you may wonder, since you’re just one person? 


Answer, the right thing.  When you do the right thing you set an example for others to follow.


 Leader in Center of group



One person can make a difference

There are steps that anyone of us can take that will have an impact.  While they may not seem like much, done consistently, these measures add up.  In addition, when you take into account that everybody is just one person, you can see the significance of what can be accomplished when we come together collectively.


Practice implementing these water saving measures in your home and you’ll save water and money!  You can make a difference.




  • 75% of water usage in the home is connected to the bathroom


  • Find and fix any water leaks (toilet-faucet-shower) and save up to 200 gallons per day


  • Installing a low flow shower head can save water at the rate of 2 gallons per minute


  • Replace your old toilets with new, higher efficiency ones and save up to 5 gallons per flush


  • A short shower will save you about 2.5 gallons of water per minute as opposed to a deep bath


Those minor steps alone will save thousands of gallons of water annually, while seriously reducing your water bill.


Water use in the kitchen accounts for about 8% of all water usage in the home.  Follow these measures and further reduce your water consumption.



  • You’ll save 20 gallons of water by reducing the time you spend rinsing the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher


  • Dishwashers use much less water than traditional washing by hand


  • By installing a low-flow faucet aerator, you can cut water consumption by half or about 2 gallons per minute


  • When it’s time for a new dishwasher, install a new water-saving model that uses 25% less water


What else you can do


  • Wash only full loads of laundry and you’ll save 20 gallons of water with each load


  • By buying a water-efficient model washing machine, you’ll save nearly 40 gallons of water per load


  • When feasible, insulate hot water pipes.  You’ll save water warm-up time and stop wasting water waiting for it to get hot


When you break it down, it becomes apparent that, yes, one person can make a tremendous difference when it comes to conserving water for ourselves and future generations that will depend on water to survive.


 Abe on world    With a little conscious thought and few simple measures taken, you can do your part and encourage others by example to conserve water and save money while making the world a better place.  It’s a win, win, win, situation.

At Tyent USA, water is our business.  Our only business.  We encourage you to look into the aforementioned and other measures that you, as one person, can take to help conserve water for all of us.

One person can make a difference…and you are that person.

We thank you in advance.

Please visit us at tyentusa.com.


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Water conservation facts




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