5 Unique Ways to Improve Brain Performance (Unique Ways To Improve Your Life Series – Part I)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 3, 2018 3:00 pm

How can we boost brain power? Believe it or not, human brain health can be improved with just a few tweaks in our lifestyle.

RELATED: 101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers: Health Benefits And More

In this article:

  1. How to Improve Brain Function
  2. Work Smarter, Not Harder
  3. Feed Your Brain
  4. Reduce Stress
  5. Exercise Your Brain
  6. Hydrate Your Brain!

Increase Brain Power and Get Better Cognitive Skills

How to Improve Brain Function

How to Improve Brain Function | Unique Ways to Improve Brain Performance (Unique Ways To Improve Your Life Series - Part I) | Brain Power

It’s entrenched in our learning from a young age – work hard. If you want to succeed, put the hours in. Slog away.

But we need to rethink that a little.

Your brain isn’t a machine. It’s a brilliant, complex, organic organ. Rather than flog it like a

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Five Tips to Become Employee of the Month With Help From Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On April 12, 2018 12:00 pm

Make your water ionizer work for you and become the new star of the office.

tyentTip #1: Look Like a Boss!
Whatever your usual work attire, the way you look can influence how people view you.  Drinking Tyent Water helps to improve the appearance of your skin, and using Turbo Water to rinse in the shower and after cleaning your teeth gives you ultra-shiny hair and a brilliant go-getting smile!

Tip #2: Intellectual Ability and Mental Agility!
Impress the boss with your quick fire ideas and mental prowess!  Tyent Water is jam-packed with amazing hydrogen that can actually help improve cognitive ability and brain function so you can wow your co-workers with your brilliant memory and sharp smarts!

Tip #3:

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