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Are you drinking "Water for Sickness" or "Water for Health"?

10 Reasons to Stop Drinking Bottled Water

For years, bottled water was seen as the ‘healthy option,’ especially when compared with the more well-reported dangers of drinking soda, for example.

Now? We can ignore the risks and true cost of drinking bottled water no longer. Here are the top 10 Reasons to Stop Drinking Bottled Water right now:

  1. Save Money – Did you know that around 90% of the price tag of every bottle of water is swallowed up by shipping, packaging, advertising and bottling? And those price tags are crazy-expensive! You can save up to an astonishing $20,157 by switching to drinking alkaline water from a Tyent water ionizer.

  2. Go Green – even if you recycle that plastic bottle, billions of others end up in landfill every year. Bottles manufactured using polyethylene terephthalate (PET, sometimes PETE) cannot be recycled at all. Switching to a water ionizer could save 2912 bottles ending up in landfill.

  3. Know Your Source – manufacturers of bottled water would have us believe that their water is scooped from a clear, natural stream of pure mountain goodness, glittering in the sunlight. Chances are that it’s just filtered municipal water. Yep – the same stuff that comes out of the tap. With Tyent water, you know that every glass is filtered and ionized for incredible taste and alkaline hydration.

  4. Save Our Water – for every liter of bottled water produced, two liters are wasted. Refuse to contribute to the madness any longer and pour your water direct from a water ionizer and save 5824 liters per year while enjoying the amazing benefits!

  5. Keep the Planet Healthy – here's a scary thought: for every ton of PET plastic water bottles produced, 3 tons of carbon dioxide are released into the Earth’s atmosphere. You could stop a massive 6,249,999 tons of harmful gases entering the atmosphere every year, simply by switching to ionized water.

  6. Avoid Chemicals! Bottled water has been found to contain up to 24,500 chemicals. Some of these chemicals are linked with triggering or contributing to serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Ditch 24,500 chemicals and drink clean, safe ionized water from your water ionizer instead!

  7. 17 million barrels of oil are needed to produce the plastic for a year’s worth of plastic bottles. Or think about this way - that’s enough oil to fuel one million cars for one year! The Earth’s resources are precious: we all have a duty to protect them. Drinking water from a water ionizer means saving precious natural resources.

  8. Less Hassle! Lugging cases of bottled water home from the supermarket is hard work. Delicious, ionized water from your water ionizer never runs out, and a fresh glass is always ready to drink at the push of a button.

  9. Toxic Plastic Bottles – Who knows how long those bottles have languished in storage or on the shelf, and in what conditions? Heat can trigger the plastic bottle to leach cancer-causing and hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water that you drink. Avoid these toxins altogether by drinking filtered, clean water from a water ionizer.

  10. The Best Alternative to Bottled Water:

FREE Water Ionizer Report!

Find out for yourself what a difference a water ionizer can make to your life. Install a Tyent water ionizer into your existing water system and start benefiting from the best-tasting, purest and healthiest water there is!

Want to learn more about those benefits and discover which water ionizer really IS the best? Click here for the Ultimate Water Ionizer Report – it's FREE!

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