Got Hard Water? Get What You Need for Your Water Ionizer

Posted by: William Poole On April 9, 2016 9:03 am

Two of the most influential words in the history of American advertising are “got milk?” Along with the milk mustache, the “got milk?” campaign ran for over two decades and is credited with generating a great increase in milk sales.

Forget the milk mustache, put on your alkaline water mustache!
Forget the milk mustache, put on your alkaline water mustache!

Although the campaign is dead, its legacy lingers on. But today, Tyent USA wants you to ask a slightly different question, “got hard water?”

The Hard Water Epidemic

Hard water is an excessively common problem in the United States. According to ExtoxNet, over 85% of the country is affected by hard water which is water that has a high mineral content. These minerals include magnesium and calcium from limestone …

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