The Water in California: Is it Really a Cocktail of Carcinogens?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On May 9, 2019 5:19 pm

A new study done by the Environmental Working Group has revealed that the cocktail of toxins and contaminants in the Californian municipal water supply could contribute to 15,500 cases of cancer over the course of an average lifetime.

Read on to learn more about the water in California and what Californians should use to effectively filter their water:

  1. What’s in the Water in California?
  2. Is It Safe to Drink the Water in California?
  3. What’s the Best Type of Water Filter to Use?
  4. What Are Tyent Filters Capable Of?
the water in California
The water in California: just how big is the problem?

What’s in the Water in California?

With chemicals and radioactive particles including hexavalent chromium (the ‘Erin Brockovich’ chemical); uranium, radium, disinfectant …

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8 Ways Your Drinking Water May Be Killing You

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 14, 2018 8:23 pm

Water: refreshing, hydrating…deadly?

water ionizer
Think you’re washing away those toxins from your produce? It might be time to get a water ionizer…

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but it’s time to make some tough, but necessary, choices about the water you drink. The stuff that comes out of your taps – or even out of a bottle – might contain a few unwelcome elements and some that are positively deadly.

Here are 8 ways that your drinking water may be killing you:

1) Pesticides and Herbicides I

Designed to withstand attacks from insects and weeds, these powerful chemical formulations won’t just rinse away with a splash under the tap.

However, check out this amazing video showing …

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