Molecular Hydrogen and 1000 Clinical Studies

Posted by: Rhona Reid On February 25, 2020 2:42 pm

1000 studies on molecular hydrogen? Wow. That’s a lot to get through so let’s get cracking…

Don’t worry, we’re joking. We’re not actually going to list all 1000 + studies here. We just want to make the point that the power and potential of hydrogen water is an endlessly fascinating subject for the scientific research community.

Also, listing them all is a tricky task anyway – there are new molecular hydrogen breakthroughs coming out of the labs with such frequency that an up-to-date inventory is out of date pretty fast!


Is Hydrogen Water the scientific breakthrough of the century?
Is Hydrogen Water the scientific breakthrough of the century?


The Incredible Potential of Molecular Hydrogen

But let’s look at the facts right now. To date, there are over …

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Hydrogen Water and Bone Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 26, 2019 6:15 pm

Bone health has become a public health crisis. Globally, symptoms of osteoporosis lead to more than 8.9 million fractures every year. It already affects 200 million women and the numbers are increasing.

By 2050, analysts predict that global hip fracture rates will increase by a shocking 310 percent in men, and 240 percent in women.

hydrogen water
Drinking hydrogen water can help your bones to stay strong and healthy.

Bone Health: Sobering Statistics

We tend to think of osteoporosis as being more prevalent in older people, but the condition accounts for more hospitalization of women over the age of 45 than many other diseases, including diabetes and breast cancer.

Although 75 percent of hip fractures occur in women, men have a higher …

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Can a Water Ionizer Help Improve Bone Health?

Posted by: Rhona Reid On January 28, 2019 5:04 pm

Having strong bones is something we should all be aiming for. Maintaining good bone health is a vital area of wellness that often gets less attention than pursuits such as building muscle, weight control, and cardiovascular health.

bone health
We all need strong and healthy bones and a water ionizer can help!

In fact, many of us don’t pay too much attention to the state of our bones until we have a reason to…such as getting osteoporosis or bone fractures.

But like how so many other things in life work – prevention is much better than cure.

How to Improve Your Bone Health

Steps to Take For Healthy, Happy Bones!

Taking the proper steps to ensure good bone health now is a …

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