Round Two In Water Conservation


                             There is More We Can do to Conserve Water


Bath ball

As I wrote yesterday, at Tyent USA, water is our business, our only business.  However, water conservation is everyone’s business.  Especially when it comes to waste and preservation. 


In yesterday’s blog I wrote about the necessity of conserving water and laid out some simple measures we could all incorporate to help save water and money in our own homes, but also to the benefit of society and ultimately, the world as well. 


I received some good feedback on yesterday’s blog and some asked me to please continue and show what else we can do to conserve and preserve our most important resource, water. 


As important as effort is, just as important is getting the proper mindset toward conservation. 

 Recycle HeadThe problem some of us have (me being one) is that when I hear phrases like “Save the planet”, I think, “Save the planet?”  I’m lucky to be able to save my front yard from moles.  However, the truth is, in what may appear to be small and perhaps even insignificant steps at conservation, collectively add up to making a big difference.


Littering is a prime example.  Where I live there is a curve on an exit ramp coming off the freeway that is hidden from view and is usually littered with trash.  It would seem that some people find that the perfect place or opportunity to throw out their paper cups, fast-food sacks, etc. 


That curve is a spontaneous garbage dump.


 Roadside Trash    One day the county cleaned it all up.  The next day I noticed a few fast-food cups.  The next day, a few sacks and a beer bottle.  By the end of the week the area was trashed again.


It struck me that even though each litterer threw out just a few small items it didn’t take long before the collective dumping of trash took on an accumulative effect and grew quickly. 


It’s the same with conservation.  If everyone will do just a little to conserve water, the cumulative effect will make a marked difference.


 FOOTPRINTS    Here are some more water saving tips that we can do without a lot of effort or sacrifice that will reduce our water footprint and have a positive effect on our environment.


  • In the average home, 10 gallons of water a day is lost due to dripping faucets and leaky pipes.  It doesn’t sound like much until you consider that turns out to be nearly 4000 gallons of wasted water per year.  A little money spent on washers now saves a lot of money and water tomorrow.


  • An old toilet uses 3 or more gallons per flush.  Retrofit it with a water saving tank or help displace that water by simply placing a brick in the tank.  Gently, I might add.


  • If you have a dishwasher, use it.  Washing dishes by hand can use up to 20 gallons.  A standard dishwasher uses about 6 gallons.  An Energy Star uses even less at around 4 gallons.


  • The average outdoor swimming pool holds 22,000 gallons of water.  By keeping it uncovered you can lose hundreds of gallons of water each month through evaporation.  Cover your pool.


  • Nearly 60% of a person’s household water footprint can go toward lawn watering and gardening maintenance.  Water in the early evening or morning when the plants are better able to absorb the water and the sun doesn’t burn it up.


Just those few steps alone can save you not only money, but will go a long way toward doing your little part to ensure we are not wasting the water we use.  Remember, you can’t do it all…so just do your part.  Your efforts, regardless of how small they may seem, have a positive impact on the planet.



You know your home better than anyone else.  Look around, is there something you see that you can do to reduce your water usage?


 Blue WATER    

The water you save today…may be the water that saves us tomorrow.

To learn about pure water, please visit us



 Image credit

Water Conservation


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