Update Your Workspace and Feel Better (LIFE-CHANGING)

Posted by: Rhona Reid On September 27, 2022 12:37 pm

Your workspace can make you feel stronger, calmer and more in control. Update your workspace and feel better right away.

How do you make your workspace work for you? Follow our tips on workspace wellbeing and start working smarter!

Update Your Workspace and Feel Better



1. Green Working: COVID made homeworking commonplace. Millions of people now work from home as a permanent fixture, while others have returned to the office. Wherever you work, make it as leafy as possible! The benefits of having plants in your workspace are so profound, that if you do NOTHING else, introduce a plant or two near your desk. Update your workspace and feel better – here’s why green is good: 

  • Plants mop up toxins in the air
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