Hydrogen Water and Eye Health

Posted by: Rhona Reid On December 9, 2019 4:35 pm

Whether you’re short-sighted, long-sighted or have perfect vision, we all want problem-free, functioning eyes. Did you know that Hydrogen Water helps our eyes to stay healthy? Keep reading below to learn how!

hydrogen water
Hydrogen Water helps to keep your eyes healthy.

Antioxidants and Eye Health

As with everything, eating right is a big factor when it comes to our eyes. Antioxidant-rich foods containing vitamin C are particularly good for our eye health.

Were you ever told as a kid that carrots help you to see in the dark? It seems that our grandmothers’ saying is rooted in scientific fact!

Drinking freshly ionized Hydrogen Water directly from a water ionizer takes things to another level.

It means that you’re maximizing your intake …

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Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Explained

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 22, 2019 9:03 pm

You’ve heard about the incredible power of molecular hydrogen – now you can experience the Xtreme version!

Ready to be wowed? It gets better…

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?
Why is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Better?
Is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Good for Me?
Why Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Matters
Where Can I Get Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

molecular hydrogen

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

The more we learn about the science behind the power of molecular hydrogen, the better we can harness it.

That’s exactly what we’ve done with our newest innovations in engineering – Tyent’s ACE-13 Turbo and the UCE-11 Turbo Water Ionizers.

These ionizers both feature state-of-the-art enhancements – including Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost technology – …

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Everything You Need to Know About Molecular Hydrogen Water

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 9, 2019 7:21 pm

Hydrogen is the buzzword on everyone’s lips when it comes to health and well-being. But, have you heard of molecular hydrogen?

Below, we’ll break down exactly what it is: from its astonishing health benefits and how you can drink delicious molecular hydrogen water every day!

What is Molecular Hydrogen?
What Are the Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen?
Is Ionized Water the Same as Molecular Hydrogen Water?
Is Consuming Hydrogen Water Safe?
How Can I Drink Alkaline Hydrogen Water?

molecular hydrogen water
What Does Hydrogen Water Do?

What is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen has the chemical formula H2 – and is composed of two bonded hydrogen atoms and is the smallest molecule in existence.

The molecule’s minute size enables molecular hydrogen to be dispersed …

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