5 Reasons to Add Chia Seeds to Your Diet

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On June 8, 2020 12:00 pm

There isn’t anything more delicious than a creamy pudding. Unfortunately, most puddings are high in sugar that cannot only encourage weight gain, but inflammation as well.

Chia seed pudding is a very healthful swap for unhealthy traditional pudding!  It is decadent, creamy and can be used as a snack, for breakfast or even dessert.  Dr. Lori Shemek is back with another delicious alkaline recipe!


5 Reasons to Add Chia Seeds to Your Diet

Why are chia seeds so healthy?

Here are the top 7 reasons to add chia seeds to your diet:

  • Chia seeds are loaded with healthy omega-3 fat
  • They are high in fiber – boasting 11 grams of fiber per 2 tablespoons
  • These delicious seeds also have 4 grams of protein per serving
  • Chia seeds are
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