Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Explained

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 22, 2019 9:03 pm

You’ve heard about the incredible power of molecular hydrogen – now you can experience the Xtreme version!

Ready to be wowed? It gets better…

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?
Why is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Better?
Is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Good for Me?
Why Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost Matters
Where Can I Get Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

molecular hydrogen

What is Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost?

The more we learn about the science behind the power of molecular hydrogen, the better we can harness it.

That’s exactly what we’ve done with our newest innovations in engineering – Tyent’s ACE-13 Turbo and the UCE-11 Turbo Water Ionizers.

These ionizers both feature state-of-the-art enhancements – including Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost technology – …

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Hydrogen Water and Inflammation

Posted by: Rhona Reid On October 18, 2019 5:21 pm

Millions of people suffer from inflammation and the numbers are set to rise over the next three decades, with The World Health Organization (WHO) citing chronic inflammatory diseases as being among the most significant and prolific causes of death in the world.

We’re here to walk you through…

What is Inflammation?
What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?
What Causes Inflammation?
When is Inflammation Good?
When is Inflammation Bad?
How to Reduce Inflammation
Can Hydrogen Water Help Reduce Inflammation?

Can hydrogen water help sufferers of chronic inflammation?

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a process in which the white blood cells and substances your body produces protects you from tissue damage and infection from viruses and bacteria.

It’s also a protective reaction …

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