A Healthy and Simple Thanksgiving!

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On November 21, 2022 2:46 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her tips for a healthy and simple Thanksgiving.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Can you eat healthily on Thanksgiving?  Absolutely yes! For most families, Thanksgiving means large family get-togethers accompanied by an enormous number of delicious foods over the course of this holiday. For many of us, Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where we often tend to sweep self-restraint to the side and indulge in all the culinary glory …

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A Healthy and Simple Thanksgiving Dinner

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On November 23, 2021 1:30 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share some healthy and delicious Thanksgiving recipes.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Thanksgiving is truly a time for all of us to not only give thanks but to enjoy delicious foods as well.  This special day also heralds in the special holiday season of celebration.


Healthy and Delicious Thanksgiving Dishes


Knowing exactly how to combine the most flavorful holiday foods will allow you to enjoy your meal; guilt-free!  So, this year, why not avoid …

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10 Guaranteed Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Easier

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 15, 2021 3:01 pm

As one of our most important holidays approaches, your thoughts might turn to how much work is involved, with guests, endless food preparation and so on. But that’s normal, right? Is it even possible to make your Thanksgiving easier?

It’s not only possible, but also easy! Wave goodbye to a stressful holiday – here are our 10 guaranteed ways to make your Thanksgiving easier!


As one of our most important holidays approaches, your thoughts might turn to how much work is involved, with guests, endless food preparation and so on. But that’s normal, right? Is it even possible to make your Thanksgiving easier? It’s not only possible, but also easy! Wave goodbye to a stressful holiday – here are our 10 guaranteed ways to make your Thanksgiving easier! 1. Plan what you’re going to be eating now, and don’t look at any more recipe magazines that might tempt you away from your menu! Once you know exactly what you’ll be serving this Thanksgiving, you can make a get-ahead shopping plan to help you stay in control. 2. Once you have that shopping plan, you can also work out how much of your menu you can make – in a nicely relaxed fashion - in the days or weeks before the big day and safely stash in the fridge or freezer. 3. Thanksgiving guests staying overnight? Don’t make breakfast a big deal. Make sure that everyone knows where the coffee, cereal and bowls are, set out a covered basket of muffins the night before and fill the fridge with juice. No one needs a military-style start to the day, so make it calm and relaxed for you and your guests. 4. Here’s a brilliantly simple tip for making your Thanksgiving easier: use square and rectangle pans in the oven. They line up easily and create much more space for cooking multiple dishes at once. 5. Don’t sweat the small stuff when it comes to seasonings and condiments. No one cares if you use Dijon mustard instead of grain mustard in a dressing. It doesn’t matter if the parsley in the sauce is fresh or dried. Cut yourself some slack and focus on the joy of the main event, not the minutiae. 6. Make your Thanksgiving turkey the best tasting ever by taking a tip from top chefs and marinating it in brine the night before. There is no easier way to dial up the flavor and keep the turkey nice and moist! 7. Still with the turkey, remember to take the temperature of your Thanksgiving turkey at several points – and never next to the bone. Make sure you get a reading of 165 degrees at the mid-thigh, wing and the thickest part of the turkey breast. Once you have that, take your turkey out and rest it for between 30 minutes and one hour. 8. One guaranteed way of making Thanksgiving morning easier is to lay the table the night before. You’ll be so pleased you did it the following day! 9. Delegate! Guests often ask if they can do anything to help, so accept the offer. Easy jobs like filling buckets with ice to chill drinks and free up fridge space, cutting bread and filling the water jugs are time-consuming jobs but easy ones to delegate. Guests love to feel useful and helping hands really do make your Thanksgiving easier! 10. Finally, it’s not cheating to buy in ready-made elements of the Thanksgiving feast. If you want to pick up a few side dishes or desserts to give a greater choice or make the big day easier, then do so, guilt-free! Remember: don’t work so hard that you skip drinking enough water! Dehydration is a fast way to feel sluggish. Drink Tyent hydrogen water for extra energy this Thanksgiving! Do you have a few of your own tips to make your Thanksgiving easier? Please share them!


1. Plan what you’re going to be eating now, and don’t look at any more recipe magazines that might tempt you away from your menu! Once you know exactly what you’ll be serving this Thanksgiving, you can make a get-ahead shopping plan to help you stay in control.

2. Once you have that …

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Keto Holiday Recipes

Posted by: Dr. Lori Shemek On November 20, 2020 11:45 am

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her favorite healthy keto holiday recipes!  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic Key, Fire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  Enjoy!!

Healthy Keto Holiday Recipes



The holidays are a wonderful time that brings much joy. One of the main features during this time of year is the delicious and comforting food. So many want to continue to eat healthfully during the holidays and yet, at the same time, not feel they are missing out.  This is why I wanted to offer healthier …

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Why Water Ionizers Are Your Dentist’s Best Friend!

Posted by: Rhona Reid On November 8, 2018 5:01 pm

Who doesn’t love Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas? Well…dentists don’t…because they see first-hand the negative effects that eating too much candy and sugary desserts can have on your teeth!

water ionizers
Can Water Ionizers Prevent You from Saying, “Trick or Teeth?”

In fact, the holiday season is very tricky on our teeth – what with the spookiest night of the year followed swiftly by the sweet delights of Thanksgiving and then, of course, Christmas.


Maybe the colder weather that many of us are used to come October, November, and December is a factor as well.

That slice of juicy watermelon that satisfied the kids back in July is a whole lot less tempting in November!

A slice of warm apple pie or …

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Give Thanks for Alkaline Water!

Posted by: William Poole On November 26, 2015 4:35 pm

After 65 days at sea, surrounded by salt water, without a drop of land or fresh water in sight, I bet the pilgrims could’ve used a tall glass of alkaline water. The hydrogen and antioxidant-rich alkaline water would’ve given them an ultra boost of hydration as they set foot in the New World.

Mayflower II

Unfortunately for the first pilgrims, alkaline water ionizers didn’t exist in 1620, but, thankfully, they do exist today. This Thanksgiving, as we consider the things that are most important to us, make sure to give thanks for alkaline water!

Alkaline Water Has Antioxidant Benefits

Water ionizers are wonderful machines that take normal tap water and turn it into delicious, healthy alkaline water. By siphoning water through …

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3 Delicious Thanksgiving Day Uses for Your Water Ionizer

Posted by: William Poole On November 14, 2015 12:40 pm

The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621 to celebrate their first successful harvest in the New World. Of course, the Pilgrims didn’t have a Tyent water ionizer on hand to enhance the flavor and health benefits of their meal, but that doesn’t mean a water ionizer can’t be an important part of your Thanksgiving meal preparation!

Happy friends cheering up at Thanksgiving party outdoors

Here are three tasty tips from Tyent USA to make your Thanksgiving meal extra special in 2015:

  1. Tenderize Your Turkey with Turbo Alkaline Water

Thnaksgiving dish - turkey with pumpkins and fall leaves

Ever wonder how restaurants get perfectly moist roasted poultry in their restaurants? One trick chefs use is they soak their birds in brine which is a solution of water and salt. Guess what? Brines happen to be …

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Favorite Alkaline Thanksgiving Recipes

Posted by: tyent On November 27, 2013 7:52 pm

Favorite Alkaline Thanksgiving Recipes

Today we would like to share with you some of our favorite alkaline Thanksgiving recipes from our Alkaline Recipe Pinterest board.


Kale Crisps with Sea Salt and Lemon

Kale crisps with sea salt and lemon


Gluten-Free Zucchini Almond Bites

Gluten-free zucchini almond bites


Main Course

World’s Simplest Thanksgiving Turkey

We know that turkey is acid-forming in the body, but it’s ok to indulge once in a while.  Try to stay in your 80% alkaline food and 20% acidic food range.

World's Simplest Thanksgiving Turkey


Holiday Tofu Turkey – For those who don’t eat meat!

Tofu Turkey


Side Dishes

Mashed Cauliflower (Mock Mashed Potatoes)

Mashed Cauliflower


Vegan Stuffing

Vegan stuffing



Pumpkin Coconut Pie

Pumpkin coconut pie



Cranberry Sangria

Alcohol is also acid-forming in the body, however you get a nice …

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5 Simple Tips to Go Green on Thanksgiving

Posted by: tyent On November 21, 2012 3:18 pm

Can you believe Thanksgiving week is already here? With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s the perfect opportunity to go green with your holiday festivities. The holidays can create a lot of waste in households across the U.S. For example, imagine all the potential for thrown-away food and decorations.

Thanksgiving: Going Green

With Thanksgiving two days away, we’re sharing five of our favorite tips for a green Thanksgiving celebration, in keeping with our ever-present efforts to go green with our products and everyday lives.

Buy local for the turkey and other feast accoutrements. While you may not be able to get every item you need for Thanksgiving from a local farmer’s market or co-op, you can at least get your veggies and …

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