5 Quick Tips for Holiday Plants




The holidays are coming up fast, and many of us are buying plants to decorate the house for this time of year.  Two of the most popular holiday plants are Christmas trees and poinsettias.

Here are some ways to help keep your plants healthy and make them last through the holidays and beyond.

 christmas tree - tyentusa.com


  • Pick the freshest possible Christmas tree.  Make sure the needles aren’t falling off and that they aren’t brittle.  Pull on the needles; if they come off too easily, then your tree is too dry.
  • Trim 1 inch or more off the trunk of your tree when you purchase it to help it absorb water.
  • When you bring your tree home, put it in the stand and add mildly acidic water to keep your tree hydrated.  Once your tree is in the water, don’t allow it to dry out, and keep filling up the tree stand with mildly acidic water.



  • When choosing poinsettias, pick a plant with strong stems and colorful leaves.  Look to see whether it has yellow buds that have not opened up yet.  Although it is tempting to pick a plant that is in full bloom, you get more bang for your buck if the plant has more buds than flowers.  Also, be sure to pick a plant that has dark green foliage.
  • Poinsettias like slightly acidic water.  When you bring your plant home, water it with mildly acidic water, but only when the soil feels dry on the surface.  Take special care not to overwater the plant, and make sure it has good drainage.


colorful poinsettia - tyentusa.com



Using ionized water helps your plants absorb water better because it is micro-clustered.  This means the water is broken down into smaller molecules.  It also helps to reverse any alkalinity that the soil in potted plants may have.  Remember that some plants love acid water, while others thrive on alkaline water.  When in doubt, use neutral water.  Following these simple tips will help to prolong the life of your plants so you can enjoy them even after the holidays are over.


Wishing you and your family and healthy and happy holiday season!

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