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How to Eat Your Vitamins (info)

You know that you need your vitamins, but what’s the best way of eating them, rather than relying on supplements? Food is packed with vitamins - we've got the lowdown on getting all the daily vitamins you need from your daily food!

  1. Vitamin A (Retinol)

Get your vitamin A from organic liver from grassfed stock (although this is a very rich source of vitamin A so avoid if you think you may be pregnant), cheese, eggs and oily fish. Include lots of beta-carotene in your diet, as your body will convert this into bioavailable retinol. Great sources of beta-carotene include leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes and red bell peppers. Mango, papaya and apricots are also good sources of beta carotene.

  1. B Vitamins

This large group of vitamins can be broken down in eight sub-groups: B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate [folic acid]) and B12 (cobalamin). There are many ways to eat your B vitamins, but meat, eggs, fish, bananas, mushrooms, peas and nuts are all excellent sources.

  1.  Vitamin C

Many of us know how to eat our Vitamin C – citrus fruits and juice! That’s absolutely right, but you can also add potatoes, strawberries and blackcurrants as brilliant sources of edible vitamin C!

  1. Vitamin D

We make the cholecalciferol form of vitamin D by exposing our skin to sunlight, but we need nutritional vitamin D as well – the kind that we eat. This we can enjoy by eating oily fish, egg yolks and liver, as well as fortified cereal.

  1. Vitamin E

Essential for good eye and skin health, vitamin E is also a key vitamin in supporting the immune system. Eat it up by enjoying a range of plant oils – try rapeseed, sunflower, corn and olive oil, for example. Nuts, seeds and wheat germ are other great sources.

  1. Vitamin K

We need vitamin K to help the body heal and recover from wounds or injuries, and specifically for blood clotting. Luckily, vitamin K is easy to eat - find it in delicious green vegetables, particularly broccoli and leafy spinach, vegetable oils and many types of cereal grain.

Eating for Health!

Eating your way to good health by making sure that your daily diet includes lots of vitamin-rich foods is a brilliant way to support your overall wellbeing. Vitamin supplements can be very useful in many situations, but our everyday nutritional needs should be met largely by how we eat.

By eating a range of wholefoods, including grains, nuts and seeds, and vegetables and fruits of every color, it’s easy to eat your vitamins and give your body what it needs to stay strong and healthy.

Hydrate with Hydrogen Water

Drinking mineral-rich alkaline hydrogen water from a Tyent water ionizer also helps your body get what it needs to thrive.

When you combine all these astounding benefits of drinking hydrogen water with eating your vitamins every day, just imagine how amazing you could feel!