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Alkaline Water Guide to Avoiding Hangovers!

There are jokes aplenty about hangovers, but the reality is that when you’re suffering from one, it’s no laughing matter.

Waking up after a night of drinking with a pounding head, dry throat and an unsettled stomach is – let's face it – pretty horrible. And it’s not only the physical effects of drinking a little too much. The self-inflicted nature of a hangover can sometimes trigger a sense of anxiety that refuses to quit until the hangover lifts. Ugh.

Can Hangovers be Avoided?

Although there are countless theories about what causes hangovers, experts are divided about why we suffer from them after drinking too much alcohol. The usual suspects - drinking a combination of drinks, dark-colored beverages being more potent than lighter ones, drinking on an empty stomach and so on, all make sense, but still, why do we feel quite so bad the morning after the night before?

Actually, more to the point, how can we avoid feeling so bad? And can alkaline water really transform a hangover?

How to Swerve a Hangover and Still Have Fun!

The good news is that hangovers are quite easily swerved. With a bit of planning, application and alkaline water, you can enjoy a few glasses of wine over the holiday season, and still avoid the dreaded hangover!

We mentioned above some of the likely culprits when it comes to hangovers, but there’s one more, and it’s the one we all know about - dehydration.

Dehydration is a double-pronged menace when it comes to hangovers. First, the simplest point: if you don’t drink water, then you’re not diluting any alcohol that you’re consuming. The rule of drinking one glass of water for each alcoholic drink should be viewed as a minimum. Second, if you’re dehydrated, then your body – and more specifically, your liver – isn't getting the support it needs to thrive and do its many vital jobs.

There’s also the effect of imbibing toxins. Your liver (honestly, the liver is amazing), is working hard to process the alcohol and clean things up inside your body. Have you ever heard somebody use the slightly old-fashioned (but still relevant) phrase, feeling ‘liverish’? It’s a kind of shorthand for the fact that if your liver isn’t feeling good, then neither are you.

Seven Tips to Hangover-Free Heaven

So, back to avoiding hangovers. Sure, if not drinking is an option, then take it. There has never been a better time to quit the booze altogether, with low and no alcohol versions of all your favorite drinks available at the supermarket. But if you drink responsibly and intend to enjoy a glass or three of wine or a few beers over the holiday season, then there are steps you can take to avoid hangovers. It’s what is also known as having your cake and eating it too!

Although the first couple of tips are what you might expect: eat well and get some sleep, we’ve got more – and they are a total game-changer. Here are the essential, hangover-avoiding alkaline water hacks you cannot afford to party without.

  1. Have a detox week (or fortnight) before the main event. That means eating and drinking clean, getting plenty of rest, taking some exercise, and avoiding alcohol or any other toxins. And by ‘eating clean,’ we don’t mean not eating junk food, we mean seeking out and enjoying whole foods, and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. We’re going to go further: eat a range of colors in your fruit and vegetables, from dark green leafy ones to rich-looking purple ones and everything in between!
  2. Nurture a healthy sleep routine and prioritize it. Your body does amazingly complex things while you sleep that help to shore up your health in the short and long term. By starving your body of the right amount of nourishing deep sleep, you risk standing in your own way when it comes to good health. And a couple of ‘good nights’ sleep’ won’t cut it: you need good sleep every night. Work towards ‘a great nights’ sleep’ being the rule and not the exception. Here’s one awesome tip: drink alkaline hydrogen water before bed. There is a whole list of reasons why alkaline water helps you to sleep better!
  3. On the day that you’re planning to enjoy a few drinks, eat beforehand and make it wholesome and clean. Try not to mix your drinks – the evidence might be more anecdotal than actual, but many people swear by sticking with one type of drink and not mixing grape and grain-based beverages.
  4. When you pour or order a glass of wine or beer, make sure that you have a large glass of alkaline water right alongside it. There’s a vital reason that the water needs to be alkaline: its unique, hydrogen-rich structure hydrates every cell in your body faster and for longer than regular water. This makes a huge difference to how you feel the next day.
  5. Post-party, do three things: drink a couple of glasses of alkaline water, take a multi-vitamin with B-complex and keep yet another glass of alkaline water next to the bed in case you wake in the night (alcohol can prevent you from reaching the REM stage of your sleep cycle).
  6. In the morning, drink a glass of alkaline water with a little lemon juice squeezed into it. Lemon juice is believed to have a hepatoprotective (preventing damage to the liver) effect on the liver. Lemon juice also promotes bile production, the secretion of which helps the liver to clean itself. The potent combination of lemon juice and antioxidant-rich alkaline water can be enough to see off any traces of a hangover.
  7. We’re staying with the liver for our next tip. This amazing organ processes everything that you eat and drink and takes the biggest hit when it comes to mopping up a hangover. Alkaline water from a water ionizer delivers a slew of powerful antioxidants to support healthy liver function just when you need it most.

Regular Water Cannot Do This

Here’s the thing. You cannot do all of the above, replacing alkaline water with regular water, and expect the same results. For decades, the medical establishment has known about the astonishing properties of dissolved molecular hydrogen, and many hundreds of clinical studies have been published as a result.

Alkaline hydrogen water is fundamentally different to tap or bottled regular water – a fact that you’ll feel and even see almost as soon as you start to drink it on a regular basis.

Coming back to how alkaline water from a water ionizer can help you avoid the dreaded hangover, think about the frightening toxins that are present In the tap water of millions of American homes. Your liver (yep, the liver again) has to work hard to process any dangerous toxic elements that might end up in your water glass. In fact, some compound chemicals - Dichlorobenzene, for example – that have been deliberately added to municipal water supplies as part of the disinfecting process, are actively harmful to the liver.

Contrast this with drinking alkaline water from a Tyent Water ionizer. The filtration technology in every water ionizer we sell is the most advanced and effective on the market today. Our industry-leading filters remove harmful contaminants and make your water clean, safe and delicious to drink.

In short, the healthier and less overworked your liver is, the better job it can do in looking after you. The good news? That includes when you’ve had a few drinks too!

Switch to Alkaline Water for THESE Incredible Benefits

It stands to reason that a strong, health-conscious and well-rested body is in the best possible position to fight off a hangover. When you consider the many health benefits of drinking alkaline water, you begin to understand why millions of people around the world cannot stop singing its praises. Imagine all this and so much more, simply from switching the water that you drink:

  • Increased energy
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Smoother, more radiant skin
  • Faster recovery time after exercise
  • Immune boosting
  • Antioxidants to fight aging free radicals
  • Sleep better

Say Hello to a Water Ionizer and Goodbye to Hangovers!

The main takeaway here? Alkaline water can make a huge difference in avoiding hangovers. Drinking alkaline water can help you to enjoy some holiday drinks and still feel human the morning after. People will soon be asking what your secret superpower is!

We have a range of award-winning water ionizers to suit all kitchens, lifestyles and budgets. Installing a water ionizer at home is straightforward, and we’re always here to help with any questions.

Alkaline water on tap is also refreshingly affordable with the Tyent Easy-Pay monthly financing plan. And unlike our competitors, we stand by our products 100 percent, which is why every water ionizer comes with an unbeatable, no quibble, Lifetime Guarantee.

Happy Hangover-Free Holidays!

We wish all our customers a happy, hangover-free holiday season! Do you have your own tried-and-tested home remedies for feeling on top of the world the morning after? We’d love to hear them!